
listening skills, speech activity, English language, method of teaching, foreign languages, pedagogical technologies


Nowadays, knowing foreign language perfectly is the major thing of achieving high professional skill. The English language takes leading place among the other languages of the world, so we too forced to learn this language and it is not without reason that there was given separate attention for learning it. Today, we can see a lot of success, and new scientific approaches in using new pedagogical technologies in teaching English. Our education system achieved its high quality in this actual process. Such factors of finding out new technologies of teaching and preparing high quality specialists are the great importance of today. Economic development of the Republic of Uzbekistan towards market relations, expansion of international ties, new possibilities to find jobs in international enterprises, joint ventures and foreign offices both at home and abroad, to run own business, free access to internet or other sources of evidence as well as other incentives, require adequate knowledge of foreign languages, especially of English, in order to use professional skills in different spheres of human activity.



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