The purpose of the work is to identify common and specific manifestations of the semantic ambiguity of terms in three languages – English, Russian and Uzbek. Scientific novelty lies in the new approach to the description of multilingual terminology of ecology: the article for the first time conducts an anthropocentric study of the semantic ambiguity of environmental terms in English, Russian and Uzbek languages. As a result of a comparative analysis of ambiguous terms in the chosen field of scientific interests, both general and national conditional characteristics in the development of the concepts of human professional activity in three languages – English Russian and Uzbek. In system, a hierarchy of meanings is clearly traced, with the subordination of basic (direct) and derived (figurative) meanings. The description of a polysemantic word as a system of meanings makes it possible to reveal in the process teaching their connections and relationships as an initial basis for the free orientation in the language vocabulary, in ways of designating concepts and techniques for transferring and rethinking words.
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