Our country recognizes the priority of international law and the importance of international cooperation to improve the situation of children and protect their health. The legislation on youth in our country is based primarily on the national legal system and the universally recognized requirements of international law. Our country is a party to many international legal instruments directly aimed at ensuring the rights and freedoms of young people. In the 21st century, the international community pays special attention to guaranteeing human rights and freedoms. After all, human rights and freedoms are the highest value, as our President said. As a separate area of human rights, the issue of children's health, rights, and protection has been and continues to be the focus of the international community and international organizations. It is not in vain, of course, that while children are an important factor in the development of any society, their rights are often violated. Consequently, the inability of children to defend their rights independently also contributes to this. That is why various international organizations and special national institutions in some countries are working to protect the rights of the child.
The concept of the rights of the child logically stems from the basic ideas of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Its separate articles are dedicated to children. It states (Article 25), “Motherhood and childhood give the right to special guardianship and assistance. All children, whether married or unmarried, should enjoy the same social protection. ” Thus, while recognizing that children have equal rights over all the freedoms enshrined in the Declaration, the international community also recognizes the need for additional assistance and support for children. This article describes the international legal aspects of juvenile health and the experience of foreign countries. It also provides feedback on the issue.
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