
education, patriotism, citizenship, culture of peace, foreign language


The article deals with such concepts as “patriotism”, “citizenship”, and “culture of the world”. An important aspect of the activity aimed at educating the culture of the world by means of a foreign language is indicated. Today, when we observe the collapse of ideals, morals, and spiritual guidelines, the topic of the civil and patriotic question becomes especially relevant. The collapse of the former Soviet Union and the subsequent independence movements of the republics had an impact on the development of citizens and patriotic education. Civil-patriotic education forms not only educate a citizen instilled in love with Uzbekistan but also a person who consciously and actively performs his civic duty. It involves instilling respect for the motherland, the heroic and patriotic past, the culture of their people, love for their native nature, and contains environmental education. Patriotism and citizenship are of great importance in a person's social and spiritual development. They act as elements of his worldview and attitude to his native country, other nations, and peoples. Only based on the uplifting feelings of patriotism and national traditions, love for the motherland is strengthened, a sense of patriotism for its power and independence, the preservation of material and spiritual values, and the nobility and dignity of the individual develops


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