
physiological erasability, loss of hard tooth tissues, increased erasability, interalveolar height, occlusal load


A review of domestic and foreign literature devoted to such a process as the effect of tooth abrasion on the relief of the occlusal surface of the dentition is presented. The loss of hard tissues is considered from the side of changes in the dental system, in particular anatomical and morphological features that appear as a result of this process. The influence of occlusal load, exogenous and endogenous factors on the dentition was noted. Based on a theoretical review and analysis of scientific sources of literature and publications, the etiology issues, the dependence of this pathology on gender and age, the frequency and prevalence of abrasion, as well as the factors of complications are considered. The classifications of domestic and foreign authors are considered. The clinical manifestations and risk factors of increased tooth abrasion are analyzed for further successful orthopedic prosthetics.


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