The emergence of an independent and clearly formed genre I-novel in the early 20th of the XX century in Japanese literature, seems to be not accidental at all. I-novel, which is based on confession, was developing from an unformed, vague literary phenomenon and by the middle of the XX century became one the most important, literary genre, and moreover, the main stream in the literary process of Japan. If the "essence" of I-novel works at first was concentrated only on the description of writers’ truthful or quasi-truthful life events and situations, which was sharply criticized by Akutagawa Ryunosuke, then by the middle of the century the Japanese I-novel totally changed and characterized by deep psychologism, detailed author's introspection and self-esteem to the present day.
Murasaki Shikibu. Dnevnik. [Murasaki Shikibu. Diary]. St. Petersburg, 2000. - p. 96. (in Russian).
Rekho K. «Vatakusi Sosetsu» // Kratkaya literaturnaya entsiklopediya. ["Watakushi Shosetsu" // Brief literary Encyclopedia]. - Moscow: 1962-1978. - p. 179. (in Russian).
Rekho K. Tayama Katay. Bol'shaya sovetskaya entsiklopediya [Tayama Katai. The Great Soviet Encyclopedia]. Moscow: Soviet Encyclopedia, 1978. - p. 113. (in Russian).
Lutskiy Aleksandr Leonidovich. Ekzistentsializm i yaponskaya literatura [Existentialism and Japanese Literature]. Dis. Candidate of Philology. Moscow, 1986. p. 168. (in Russian).
Interesnyye mysli ob «ego-belletristike» [Interesting thoughts about «I-novel»]. Modern Japanese Novel, M., 1974. - pp. 86-110. (in Russian).
Akutagawa Ryunosuke, Izbrannoye [Selected]. vol. 2, M., 1971. - pp. 260-261. (in Russian).
Fukuda Tsuneari, «Issledovaniye tvorchestva Akutagava Ryunosuke» [«A Study of the work of Akutagawa Ryunoske»]. Tokyo, 1977. - pp. 47-48. (in Russian).
Tsit. po: «Voprosy literatury» [«Questions of Literature»]. 1973. - p. 65. (in Russian).
Jean-Jacques Rousseau (1712 – 1778) was a Genevan philosopher, writer, and composer.
Prosper Mérimée (1803 – 1870) was a French writer in the movement of Romanticism, and one of the pioneers of the novella, a short novel or long short story.
Grivnin V.S. Akutagava Ryunoske. Zhizn'. Tvorchestvo. Idei. [Akutagawa Ryunosuke. Life. Creation. Ideas.]. M., Moscow Publishing House.un-ta, 1980. -p. 296. (in Russian).
Murasaki Shikibu. Dnevnik. [Murasaki Shikibu. Diary]. St. Petersburg, 2000. - p. 96. (in Russian).
Rekho K. «Vatakusi Sosetsu» // Kratkaya literaturnaya entsiklopediya. ["Watakushi Shosetsu" // Brief literary Encyclopedia]. - Moscow: 1962-1978. - p. 179. (in Russian).
Rekho K. Tayama Katay. Bol'shaya sovetskaya entsiklopediya [Tayama Katai. The Great Soviet Encyclopedia]. Moscow: Soviet Encyclopedia, 1978. - p. 113. (in Russian).
Lutskiy Aleksandr Leonidovich. Ekzistentsializm i yaponskaya literatura [Existentialism and Japanese Literature]. Dis. Candidate of Philology. Moscow, 1986. p. 168. (in Russian).
Interesnyye mysli ob «ego-belletristike» [Interesting thoughts about «I-novel»]. Modern Japanese Novel, M., 1974. - pp. 86-110. (in Russian).
Akutagawa Ryunosuke, Izbrannoye [Selected]. vol. 2, M., 1971. - pp. 260-261. (in Russian).
Fukuda Tsuneari, «Issledovaniye tvorchestva Akutagava Ryunosuke» [«A Study of the work of Akutagawa Ryunoske»]. Tokyo, 1977. - pp. 47-48. (in Russian).
Tsit. po: «Voprosy literatury» [«Questions of Literature»]. 1973. - p. 65. (in Russian).
Grivnin V.S. Akutagava Ryunoske. Zhizn'. Tvorchestvo. Idei. [Akutagawa Ryunosuke. Life. Creation. Ideas.]. M., Moscow Publishing House.un-ta, 1980. -p. 296. (in Russian).