
Language policy, language planning, language construction, language problems, primary, secondary, and tertiary communities, corpus, planning, acquisition planning, post-colonial, post-revolutionary


The article investigates the intricate concept of language planning and policy (LPP), analyzing its pivotal function in facilitating communication within
societies and its utilization as a political instrument to exert influence over language usage and identity formation. It further presents empirical data regarding the historical progression of LPP, commencing with Haugen's (1959) seminal contributions to the formalization of language styles and the differentiation between speech communities, alongside research conducted by eminent scholars such as Cooper (1989), Kaplan & Baldauf (1997), and others who scrutinize language planning through the lenses of status, acquisition, or social transformation. Additionally, it underscores the diverse viewpoints concerning the interplay between language planning and language policy, as certain scholars perceive these as discrete entities while others regard them as synonymous. In turn, it also considers the significant role of teachers and educators in language planning procedure, suggesting that they act as agents of change in shaping linguistic policies that address both local and global needs.



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