This article analyzes the socio-legal aspects of women's political status based on Uzbekistan and foreign experience. In particular, the rights, duties and opportunities of women in public administration and civil service were studied on the basis of the legislation of developed countries and international agreements. Several mechanisms have also been proposed to increase and support women's participation in politics.
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Davronova F. Mechanisms for increasing the political activity of women at the new stage of development of Uzbekistan-2022
Aliyeva K. Constitutional and legal framework for ensuring gender equality in the Republic of Uzbekistan -2021
WHITE PAPER ON SINGAPORE WOMEN’S DEVELOPMENT Towards a fairer and more inclusive society https://www.scwo.org.sg/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/White-Paper-on-Singapore-Womens-Development.pdf
This Convention was joined based on the decision of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated August 30, 1997 No. 501-I "On Accession to the Convention on the Political Rights of Women".