
Islamic philosophy, Islam, values, morals, ethics, education, Quran, Hadith, teachings, society


The article aims to undertake a narrative literature review on moral values interpreted in modern Islamic philosophy. In Islamic teachings, morality is defined by adherence to the principles outlined in the Quran. In contrast, societal morals are shaped by the prevailing norms and regulations within a community. The importance of moral education is paramount, especially in an era marked by widespread moral decline. To address this, a crucial step is integrating moral education within the academic framework, particularly for children, emphasizing moral principles derived from the Quran and Sunnah. Various methods are employed to instill these values, including habitual practice, storytelling, role modeling, and others.
Additionally, integrating moral values from Islamic philosophy plays a significant role in this educational process. This article explores these aspects, focusing on how modern Islamic philosophy interprets and applies moral values.



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