
Having studied various types of ovarian tumors, the authors determined that granulosa cell tumors (GCTs) are the most common among hormone-producing ovarian tumors and, according to various authors, account for 2–7.5% of all ovarian tumors and 85% of all hormone-producing ovarian tumors [ 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 9, 10, 11]. In their lectures, M.I. Davydov and other scientists note that most GKOVT produce steroid (estrogens, less often progesterones and androgens) and glycoprotein (inhibin, Müllerian inhibitory substance) hormones, which leads to menstrual irregularities such as hyperpolymenorrhea, amenorrhea with subsequent acyclic bloody discharge or bleeding and the development of dishormonal symptoms of rejuvenation. Thanks to such a vivid clinical picture, in 90% of patients the disease is diagnosed already in stage I. At the same time, there are reports in the literature about hormonally inactive GCTs, which, according to some authors, indicates a high degree of anaplasia of neoplasm cells and a poor prognosis. [4] Key words: granulosa cell tumors of the ovaries, granulosa cell tumors of the adult type ovaries, juvenile granulosa cell tumors, follicle-stimulating hormone, luteinizing hormone, inhibin A and B, estradiol, menstrual cycle. In most cases, the clinical manifestations of the disease are caused by hyperestrogenism. In children it leads to premature puberty; in women of reproductive age - delayed ovulation, infertility, acyclic bleeding from the genital tract or amenorrhea; in postmenopausal women - to pathological “rejuvenation”, increased libido. About 25% of patients have a nonspecific symptom complex - pain, abdominal discomfort



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