
semantics, similarities, semantics, pronoun, language, English, Uzbek, correspond, typology, substitution, syntactic


In this article it is analyzed, the status of interrogative words “Who’ and ‘What’ (WH-words) for interrogative interpretations in English and Uzbek, including the derivation of constituent questions evolves from a specific interplay of syntactic representations with pragmatics. The given examples in English and Uzbek to compare the interrogative pronouns in morphological usage verify the evident distinctions. However, one perceives many differences when examining the morphologic characteristics of interrogative pronouns ‘Who’ and “What’ in both English and Uzbek languages. In a cross-linguistic overview, we discuss the characteristic elements contributing to the derivation of interrogatives in Uzbek. It also replies in the article that WH-words can form a constitutive part not only of interrogative, but also of exclamative and declarative clauses. Based on this, characteristic of interrogatives in exclamation and rhetoric usage the question usage does not solicit an answer.



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