NUMERATIVE WORDS IN UZBEK CLASSICAL LITERATURE (On the example of Z.M. Bobur's work "Boburnoma")


mile, step, quloch(hug), chin, width, ashrafiy, shahrukhiy, yarmak // yormoq, misqal, rati, mosha, full, batman, man // mon, minosa, morning, ser // sir, pos (time), pahr(time), money, hour, minute, giri // gari, destiny


This article shows an etymological analysis and spiritual properties of the numerative (accounting) words used in the novel "Boburnoma" written by the king and poet Zahiriddin Muhammad Babur, who played an important role in the Uzbek classical literature and formed the "Great Empire" in India. It also provides information on the scope and value of using ancient numerative words (arithmetic) in Central Asia, India, Afghanistan and other countries. The value expression of numerical words in the sources is compared and analyzed. In addition, information on the exact value of numerical words in periods is given and compared. The book deals with the value of money used, the meaning of weight, numerical words related to the time, and their etymological analysis.



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Aminova Nafisa The analysis of some numerical words used in literary works //Voprosы nauki i obrazovaniya. 2020. №12 (96) (FILOLOGIChESKIE NAUKI.19-24b)