
psychology, coaching, training, flexible and mobile adaptation of the human competence system, the effect of coaching effect of coaching technologies, coaching of communications in network structures, innovations


The study of psychology and coaching technology with the German experience can be broken down into four parts, including the student, the educator and instructor, the media, and the environment, based on the educational scenario model that is widely accepted by Germany educational psychologists. And in the entire field, the learner's perspective is crucial. The primary components of research methods, including experimental, semi-experimental, and correlational methods, as well as additional approaches, are proposed by modern educational psychologists to be determined by the individual study topic (e. g. the Practice and Behavior research method and the qualitative research method). The following succinctly describes the research features in Germany educational psychology: firstly, it focus on the essential role of the realistic educational situation. Secondly, it pays attention to psychology and coaching of the learner. Thirdly, basically it utilizes quantitative research methods combined with others as auxiliary methods. Fourthly, it emphasizes on educational guidance of research.



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