This article provides detailed information about research conducted on the sport of badminton. In particular, the scientific-theoretical basis of the research conducted on the sport of badminton in the history of the sport of the world, the world and our country is explained.
Valeev F.G. Improving the speed characteristics of the game in sports badminton, taking into account the lability of the nervous system: Abstract of the thesis. diss. Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences. - Moscow, 1998. - P.22.
Ignatiev M.A. Badminton as one of the means of improving the motor abilities of schoolchildren with hearing impairment: Abstract of the thesis. diss. Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences. - Cheboksary, 2002. - P.25.
Mavromatis V.D. the use of badminton in the health-improving physical culture of middle-aged people: Abstract of the thesis. dis. ... Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Military. Institute of Physics culture. - St. Petersburg, 2004. - 24 p.