This article provides a detailed description of the methods of complex treatment of traumatic injuries of the zygomatic bone and arch, combined with fractures of the walls of the maxillary sinus. A comparative evaluation of the traditional and proposed method of fixing the reduced bone fragments using an expandable latex catheter with access through the maxillary sinus using the Dubov method was carried out. at the present stage of development of maxillofacial surgery, the problem of introducing into practice new, more effective and low-traumatic methods of immobilization of displaced fragments of the zygomatic-maxillary complex continues to be relevant to this day.
Eronov Yо.Q., Kamalova M.Q. Evaluation of caries prevalence in children with cerebral palsy // Academicia: An International Multidisciplinary Researh Jurnal. - India, 2020. - Vol. 10. - Р. 85-87.
Kamalova M. K. Medico-social and clinical-economic analysis of the treatment and prevention of dental caries in preschool children // "Tibbiyotda yangi kun" scientific-abstract, cultural and educational journal. - Bukhara, 2020. - №3(33). - P. 79-80.
Kamalova M. K., E.E. Maslak., I.V. Fomenko., A.L. Kasatkina., T.N. Kamennova., T.G. Khmizova., K.V. Nikitina. (2020). Reasons for primary teeth extraction in children aged 1-14 years: a retrospective study // Palarch’s journal of archaeology of egypt. - Нидерланды, - Vol.17. - No6. - Р. 13947-13964. Retrieved from www.scopus.com
Kamalova M.K. Evaluation of the results of the implementation of dental caries prevention programs in preschool children // "Journal of Medicine and Innovation" - Tashkent, 2021. - No. 4. - pp. 680-684.
Kamalova M.K. Organization of dental care in the treatment of dental caries in preschool children // "Biology of tibbiet muammolari" international scientific journal. - Samarkand, 2019. - №4.2 (115). - Pp. 221-224.
Kamalova M.K., Fomenko, I. V., Dmitrienko, D. S., Matvienko, N. V., Arjenovskaya, E. N., Gevorkyan, A. G., Maslak, E. E. (2020). Reasons for 1-17-year-old children to visit A dentist during the Covid-19 pandemic. European Journal of Molecular and Clinical Medicine, 7(7), 546-558. Retrieved from www.scopus.com
Kamalova M.K., Juraeva A.A. Improvement of methods of treatment and prevention of candidiasis in young children // "Education and science in XXI century" International scientific and educational electronic journal. - Russia, 2020. - No. 9. - Vol. 3. - pp. 160-162.
Kamalova M.K., Komilov H.P. (2019). Clinical and economic analysis of the optimization of prevention and treatment of dental caries in preschool children. Biologiya va tibbiyot muammolari xalkaro ilmiy jurnali.- № 4.2 (115). 53-56.
Kamalova M.K., Maslak E.E., Kamennova T.N., Osokina A.S., Afonina I.V., Ogonyan V.R. (2020). Results of treatment of focal demineralization of enamel of temporary incisors in young children // Tibbiyotda yangi kun. - Bukhara, - No3 (31). - Pp. 355-357.
Kamalova M.K., Raximov Z.K., Po'latova Sh.K. (2019). Clinical and economic rationale for the organization of dental care for preschool children]. Tibbiyotda yangi kun Ma'rifiy manaviy jurnal. - № 4 (28). 268-271.
Kamilov H.P., Kamalova M.K. The use of laser therapy in the treatment of chronic recurrent herpetic stomatitis in children // Scientific journal European science review Vienna, 2018. - No. 7-8.- pp. 120-121.
Maslak E. Е., V. Naumova., Kamalova M.K. (2020). Relationship between General and Oral Diseases: Literature Review // American Journal of Medicine and Medical Sciences. - Америка, - Vol.10(9). - Р. 690-696. Retrieved from www.scopus.com
Maslak E.E., Kamalova M.K. (2020). Problems of organizing dental care for preschool children]. Biomeditsina va amaliyot jurnali. - № 1. - 26-32.
Maslak E.E., Kamalova M.K. (2020). Problems of the organization of dental care for preschool children // Biomeditsina va amaliyot jurnali. - Tashkent, - No. 1. - pp. 26-32.
Raximov Z.Q., Kamalova M.Q., Features of the immune status and possibility immunocorrection at post-traumatic inflammatory complications at patients with jaw fractures // Asian Journal of Multidimensional Research, - India, 2020. Vol 9, Issue 4. - Р. 19-22.
Vokhidov U.G., Kamalova M.Q. The use of various techniques in the treatment of traumatic injuries of the oral mucosa in children // European Journal of Molecular & Clinical Medicine. - England, 2020. - Vol. 7. Issue 7. - Р. 3743-3748.
Kamilov H.P., Kamalova M.K. Modern approaches in the treatment of chronic recurrent herpetic stomatitis in children // "Achievements of science and education" International Scientific Journal. - Moscow, 2018. - №3 (25). - Pp. 46-48.
Kamalova M.K. Evaluation of the results of the implementation of dental caries prevention programs in preschool children // "Journal of Medicine and Innovations" - Tashkent, 2021. - No. 4. - pp. 680-684.